Company Culture | Bodypoint

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Postural support is all we do

As a diverse team with a wide range of expertise, we combine our abilities to help every

wheelchair user achieve the best outcomes that their physical abilities permit.

Our values


If it doesn't adjust easily, grip securely, hold up to use or snug up just right, it doesn't earn our name.


We combine our understanding of postural support with expertise in materials and design to better connect people with their wheelchairs. You should ride in, not on a chair.


We share education, tools and techniques that can transform lives, and advocate for policies that support users' access to appropriate mobility devices and postural support.


People use our products to reach further, stretch higher and achieve more. Thoughtful, minimalist yet mobility-enabling design matters to our customers. So it matters to us.


Besides asking, “Does it work?” we ask, “Does it help?”